Anyway, in order to keep your interest I have included an article that I penned for Cross Rhythms about my first (and only) professional band, Amaziah.
It is a long read so peruse with coffee
Also, please be aware that it was written with a Christian readership in mind so there are a few references to 'God Bothering' included....but nothing too heavy so don't worry.
To those that have already this.....more will be submitted soon.

The origins of Amaziah go back to the early 1970s. Astonishingly, in the light of the heavy metal band Amaziah were to become, they were originally a 13-piece choir with a seven-piece backing band. The original aggregation were originally formed to perform a musical penned by America's Jimmy and Carol Owens called 'Come Together' that was being performed at Bristol's Colston Hall and had originally featured as its narrator American Pat Boone (he had the whitest teeth I had ever seen up until the Osmonds'). Here in the UK, the Bristol 'Come Together' organisers had pulled in musicians and singers from all over the West Country. They put on quite an event. My own father, Graham Loader, took on Pat Boone's roll when the show went on a smaller West Country tour and many Christians were blessed and encouraged by a musical which though sounding rather quaint today was cutting edge for '70s church culture.
The musicians who performed at the Colston Hall had such a good time that they felt that they would like to carry on when 'Come Together' left town. With the name Amaziah they began to play occasional concerts. It must have been one heck of an entourage what with 13 singers, seven musicians (presumably dragging along other halves) and a full road crew, lighting engineers and sound guys! Even a non-mathematician could calculate that if each person connected to the band managed to bring just one other person to a gig, the venue would in all probability be full. Amaziah became well known in West Country church circles. With the size of the entourage it has hardly surprising that relationships developed beyond the musical ones. There was soon an Amaziah marriage (one of the choir married the rhythm guitarist) followed by the first Amaziah baby. The band even brought on board the services of Eric Cribb as band pastor to oversee the spiritual needs of this small community. However, Eric always had an eye for an opportunity and quickly took on the role of band manager and featured largely in the latter end of the band's history. Amaziah performed big production numbers, often written by keyboard player Andy Marshall, and because of the physical size of the ensemble, every gig was a major undertaking. The band's frontman and singer Derek Elliot had a very distinctive vocal that blended in beautifully with the other singers and gave an almost operatic quality to the shows.
However Amaziah's huge personnel was never going to be viable for too long and by 1978 the choir had gone and Amaziah had become a six-piece. By the time I auditioned for the band as the bass player, only two of the original members remained; Derek Elliot on lead vocals and Richard Grinter on rhythm guitar. The other members had become decidedly younger! Jez Coad was a dynamic 18 year old guitarist with a love for classic rock. Dave Steel was an extremely talented and versatile keyboard player and Phil Williams a 16 year old drummer who was a real metal head despite his love for reggae. I had been invited to audition for the bass player's role despite having never played a bass guitar in my life although I insisted that I was a virtuoso. My first foray into Christian music was based on a blatant lie, I'm embarrassed to admit.
Unbeknown to me Dave Steel had heard of the name Loader before. More exactly he had heard that my father was a well known evangelist linked with the Brethren. So although he had never met me he assumed that I must be a straight haircut, corduroy trousered, sandal wearing preacher's kid and that I would in no way join a band that he was in. In fact he was so adamant that he threatened to quit if I got anywhere near his beloved band. Of course I turn up with long blond hair, torn jeans and a scruffy denim jacket and as far as Dave was concerned I was in, it didn't matter what my playing was like. Just as well really as I couldn't play to save my life. Jez, committed to having younger, scruffier members, volunteered to take me on and teach me what to play. Incidentally, Dave and I quickly became firm and loyal friends and remain so today. I had approximately one month to get up to speed, but what a fun month that was. We didn't do a fantastic number of gigs as that lineup, probably about half a dozen, but they were happy times. The four younger members lived almost permanently at Jez's parents' place as we practiced long into the night honing our craft.

To produce it we got Keith Loring, a popular Christian singer/songwriter of the time. The band went into the studio in Bristol and recorded 'Straight Talker'. From my point of view the recording process wasn't the most interesting thing I had ever done. I wasn't the most dynamic of bass players in those days and I was the only member of the band who wasn't allowed to sing backing vocals (a strange decision considering I was the band's lead singer in a matter of months). This experience proved the quality of the band's musicians and that I was never going to be a recording artist. I got bored far too easily and I missed the buzz of the audience.

With the release of the self-financed 'Straight Talker' the younger members of the band began to get itchy feet and wanted to take Amaziah to a new level. We wanted to go professional. This of course was always going to be impossible with the two older members of the band as they had families to support. Eric Cribb was by now in complete control of the band and was as ambitious as us kids, and with our support he took what I feel now (that I am older and wiser) was a rather harsh decision. We asked Richard and Derek to leave. The fact that they were two of the founding members was immaterial to us as we had mountains to climb and they would hold us back.
Thankfully, both these guys are gracious and wise men of God and today neither appear to hold a grudge towards us and I have performed with Richard on several occasions in the years since.
Anyway, the four of us were set to take on the Christian music scene by storm when a bitter blow was dealt us from which, in truth, the band never really recovered. Jez's parents had scrimped and saved in order to give their youngest son a decent education with the hope that he would go on to be a doctor. He had been offered a place in the London Hospital medical school, but had already taken a gap year. When he asked the college if he could have another year out they refused. He would have to start in September or lose his place. Jez was (and is) a dutiful son and was mindful of his parents wishes and decided that he ought to go to college as planned. I was devastated. Not only was Jez the musical backbone of Amaziah and my mentor musically, he had also become one of my closest friends who I'd grown to love like a brother. Even before we had begun, our musical ambitions crumpled.
Anyway, the four of us were set to take on the Christian music scene by storm when a bitter blow was dealt us from which, in truth, the band never really recovered. Jez's parents had scrimped and saved in order to give their youngest son a decent education with the hope that he would go on to be a doctor. He had been offered a place in the London Hospital medical school, but had already taken a gap year. When he asked the college if he could have another year out they refused. He would have to start in September or lose his place. Jez was (and is) a dutiful son and was mindful of his parents wishes and decided that he ought to go to college as planned. I was devastated. Not only was Jez the musical backbone of Amaziah and my mentor musically, he had also become one of my closest friends who I'd grown to love like a brother. Even before we had begun, our musical ambitions crumpled.

Our problem was, without Jez we had no idea how to produce ourselves and so it became more a matter of the strongest personality holding court musically. The end result was that you had four musicians almost playing as individuals. You also had to bear in mind that we were all teenagers and behaved that way. After about six months the tension within the band became tangible and it was decided that it would be better for all if Alan (who unfairly got the blame for the band's incoherence) left the band. This was quite a painful time as I know this must have hurt Alan badly, and it was never really his fault. At this point a "very" young guitarist was standing in the wings ready to step into the breach. He was Dave Steel's younger brother (one of twins) Kevin and he quite happily chucked his A-levels and ran off to join a rock and roll band. Musically we began to connect again and we really went for it. Kev was (and is) a consummate practical joker and no toilet seat was left unchecked before use and no bed thoroughly examined before climbing into it. Eric went totally up the wall on the eve of a major North UK tour when Kev arrived with his arm in plaster right up to his shoulder. It was of course a fake, but I think he must have taken several years off Eric's life at that point.
I think at this point I need to get back to the fact that Amaziah were from the beginning first and foremost a Christian band. Our raison d'ĂȘtre was to tell others about the Lord. Although I may look back over that year of professional touring and sometimes wince, I cannot deny that God can use even the most chipped and cracked of pots for his service. Over the years I have met people who were blessed, encouraged and even "saved" through the ministry of Amaziah. As the frontman I was called on at gigs to do "the preach". For me that was not a problem, I was the son of a superb preacher after all and preaching was something that came naturally to me. However, as a teenager I was still very much living in the benefit of my parent's faith and did not fully discover the full wonder of God's grace and love until my mid 20s. In truth, the same could very much be said for the other members of the band. All from Christian homes, all Christians, but all very much drawing on the resources of others.
Having said that, a few years back I met a vicar whilst preaching in a church service. He told me that as a young man he had responded to the message at an Amaziah gig, under "my" preaching, and now many years later was leading others to faith in Jesus Christ. Such an event helps combat some of the embarrassing memories of teenage boys in a rock band who were out to have fun and to rock and roll. I remember nearly being sent home from Ireland when we were more badly behaved that the Hells Angels that we had been booked to minister to. Muggins here ended up getting alcohol poisoning in Holland when I discovered the joys of brandy. What a complete twit!

As we did a heap of gigs we met many wonderful people who did their best to take us under their wings and help us achieve the job that the Lord had sent us out to do. These people included Ishmael, Steve Goddard, Writz, Mike Hook and The Foundation Family, Mike Wood (he wrote "Jesus Is The Saviour Whom I Love To Know"), Garth Hewitt, Rodney Cordner, Gary Gibb and many others. Sadly, even with the loving support and guidance of such people by the end of 1980 we had completely lost our direction. The power struggle between Eric and the band members was getting more difficult to handle, especially with even members of his own family telling us not to trust him. I was struggling with depression and panic attacks. And the four of us were tired of the gruelling rigours of life on the road and were just not enjoying each other's company any more.

As we did a heap of gigs we met many wonderful people who did their best to take us under their wings and help us achieve the job that the Lord had sent us out to do. These people included Ishmael, Steve Goddard, Writz, Mike Hook and The Foundation Family, Mike Wood (he wrote "Jesus Is The Saviour Whom I Love To Know"), Garth Hewitt, Rodney Cordner, Gary Gibb and many others. Sadly, even with the loving support and guidance of such people by the end of 1980 we had completely lost our direction. The power struggle between Eric and the band members was getting more difficult to handle, especially with even members of his own family telling us not to trust him. I was struggling with depression and panic attacks. And the four of us were tired of the gruelling rigours of life on the road and were just not enjoying each other's company any more.
We knew it was coming to an end when we bumped into a band called Liquid Gold in a Dutch railway station. They were at number one in Britain at that point in time with a single called "Dance Yourself Dizzy". They were tired, hungry, fed up and wanting to call it a day. and they were number one in the charts! We were about to spend weeks in Holland, and were tired, hungry, fed up and, despite our faith, at each other's throats. We knew the end was in sight. We threw a particularly arrogant adolescent strop and refused to play Greenbelt that year, despite being offered the headline spot in the Big Top, as we had not been given Mainstage. By October we had all had enough and the decision was taken to call it a day. We played one final gig in Bristol to a packed audience and that was it. The irony at the end was that they held an Amaziah finishing party to mark the end of an era. and the four surviving band members weren't invited.
Looking back, was it all a disaster? Proof to those who insist that rock is the Devil's music and nothing good will ever come out of it? Not a bit of it. As I said, many people were introduced to Jesus Christ for the first time through Amaziah, despite our obvious failings. I thank the Lord for that. The Bible shows that he loves to use the unlikeliest of people for his glory and purposes.
For posterity we left behind one album. The Encyclopedia Of Christian Rock described us as "a hard rock British band featuring aggressive guitars and powerful synthesizers" while Jesus Music magazine called 'Straight Talker' "homemade, heavy, monster rock" though with the qualification that Derek Elliot's vocals were "an acquired taste." 'Straight Talker' was later remixed and reissued on red vinyl by a Canadian label, Tunesmith. It had a different lineup Amaziah on the cover pic from the guys who played on the record. But that hasn't stopped collectors seeking it out. I last saw it going for £475 on eBay.
For posterity we left behind one album. The Encyclopedia Of Christian Rock described us as "a hard rock British band featuring aggressive guitars and powerful synthesizers" while Jesus Music magazine called 'Straight Talker' "homemade, heavy, monster rock" though with the qualification that Derek Elliot's vocals were "an acquired taste." 'Straight Talker' was later remixed and reissued on red vinyl by a Canadian label, Tunesmith. It had a different lineup Amaziah on the cover pic from the guys who played on the record. But that hasn't stopped collectors seeking it out. I last saw it going for £475 on eBay.
So where are the band members today? I can report that Derek Elliot has been involved in a variety of outreach ministries including managing Sal Solo and Bushbaby. He continues to be involved in the local churches in Somerset. Richard Grinter formed Alias who were an excellent Christian band. He now heads the Youth Alive worship band (part of the Audacious ministry in Bristol) and is regularly seen leading hundreds of Christian young people in worship. Jez Coad gave up medical school after a year of hard work realising that medicine was not for him. He is now a successful record producer and has co-written and produced albums for artists such as Simple Minds and Andrew Strong (The Commitments) as well as producing music for a string of TV shows and films, including Only Fools And Horses, Boon and Gone To The Dogs. We sadly lost touch with Alan Tye as well as Phil Williams (who was last seen touring the Middle East with former members of the '70s glam band Mud).
After Amaziah, Kev and Dave Steel and myself formed a band called Atak to continue our assault on the musical world. However, the inability to promote ourselves still dogged us and we split having only performed one short gig. Kev now is a leading light working for Roland. Dave and I continued to perform together in local churches for years afterwards, until I went off to Bible College and Dave started playing for the girl that was to become his wife. He is also one of the main worship musicians for Christchurch Clifton in Bristol.
Eric Cribb had the most memorable ending to it all. Having had his trustworthiness questioned by several people over our time together he went and did a Reggie Perrin and staged his own supposed suicide (made Crime Watch and everything). He had dumped his car, glasses, clothes, everything by the side of a busy river in Bristol and simply disappeared, leaving his wife and bankrupting his business partner. We all thought Eric was dead until he made contact with his mother many months later. Only the Lord knows where he is now. maybe even reading this article!
Me? Well, God gave me another chance and I formed Mudheads Monkey, a band I adored playing in and one that gave me the opportunity to share the love of a God that I had discovered in a very real and life changing way. Mudheads Monkey made one album that was produced by Jez, and I have to say that although it could have been better I am still very proud of it and it was reviewed very kindly on this very website.
I now lead worship in my local church and the Lord has really blessed me in that I reformed MHM about four years ago under the name The Mudheads (meaning village idiots) and the talented and dynamic lead guitarist is my own son, Aaron. How good is that? And in case you were thinking of emailing me, I DON'T have an attic full of mint copies of 'Straight Talker'!

Amaziah was also my first rock concert experience. What an excellent way to start (what has turned out to be) many years of enthusiastic concert attendances.
I look forward to what the Mudheads have in store for 2009 (again, think spandex...)
I think spandex would be great especially as there is a very vague and passing resemblance between the young Loader and Freddie Mercury in the "kissing-the-mic" pic!(Or is that just my crazed imagination?)
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