I am talking about a car in case you were wondering.
Why is it that when any man finally realises the toy of his dreams, a longing that has been nurtured steadily throughout youth, to marriage, mortgage, fatherhood and beyond, that he is immediately branded as having a ‘mid life’ crisis’.
There’s no flippin crisis about it. I wanted one…I always have….I have only just got to that position in life’s long journey that was beyond the demands for slots for child seats, sick bags and the ability to carry forty five primary school children or three sweat garnished teenagers with more piercings than Michael Caine in Zulu.
It should follow that as I play in a rock band I am automatically having a mid life crisis, and yet I have played in bands almost continuously (apart from the odd gap) since I was 14 years old. There’s no crisis about it.
When a man (or women) has managed to reach some sort of financial stability in their life, this is a cause for celebration not for finger poking and comments about ‘going off the deep end’. I would have brought a Harley Davidson had Mrs Rock God not wisely pointed out that I couldn’t get a guitar or two on a motor bike.
So I stand proud, and unrepentant. I am 48 years old and I have just bought a new car (Bassbin will testify to the state of my old one, which I just happened to own for over a decade).
It just happens to be bright red….and as the sun is shining, I shall drive home with the roof down.
It’s only a Peugeot 307 for pity sake.
Right now let me see………..sunglasses…check…….Nickelback CD….check……..seagull repellent….check…….!
If this is a mid life crisis…..I think I shall have mine in style thank you so very much.
Methinks the man doth protest too much!
Somebody has obviously got under your skin, Paul and said something that has touched a nerve, a very raw one! But that said, a Peugeot 307 is hardly the car of mid life crises, is it, even a convertible?
Now had it been a BMW or a Mercedes, or even something more evocative there might have been grounds for the accusation. But a Peugeot 307, that's just a car for a middle-aged man who wants to enjoy the sunshine..... whenever we get any!!!
Me, I just go out on the push bike to enjoy the wind in my hair - and I still have plenty of that!
A Peugeot 307 convertible? So when do you start you hair-dressing course?
Nice car. Not quite the two seater sports car your blogged about some months ago, but a good compromise for a mighty Rock God. And it will give you somewhere to keep your Wurthers Originals.
Now stop protesting and embrace your inner crises.
I still think its a vehicular-comb-over! And what's it doing in a field - too much power for you?
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