Under some gentle pressure from my good friend Stephen from "How to be an inspiration" I thought I would have a go at writing my own blog.
Although I write for several Internet magazines and pen copious amounts of type for my band The Mudheads (hence the blog address) I have never actually done anything like this.
Please excuse my poor spelling and atrocious grammar. I am after all but a humble student from a school on one of Bristol, England's largest council housing estates...that's my excuse and I am sticking to it.
So why the title?

Well, I play in a band, and like all performers I once dreamt of being a major Rock Star. Those days are now sadly in the past. However, in celebration of those once heady days on the road my friends (well, one of them anyway) still refer to me as "Rock God".
I hasten to add, that I don't in any way believe my own publicity, and any sense of over inflated ego was beaten out of me years ago as I toured the pub circuit of the south of England.
I had a few moments, celebrated but few near major successes, but alas that it now in the past. I will never achieve my aim of performing in front of 120,000 adoring fans in a Mexican football stadium. Nor will I have that much coveted 126 weeks at the top of the charts spot.
My albums are now collectible, not because they are early renditions of a stellar star sought out by music lovers, but because they are rare......most people presumably binned their copy.
However, I still perform with my trusty band, who are are either aging like me, or related to me (the guitarist is my son), and for that I am eternally grateful.
I have no axe to grind, no manifesto to promote. However, I do hope as I maybe share a thought or two from my journey and day to day life as a Rock God, it may entertain and amuse maybe just a few.
Anyway, here's hoping.
Watch this space.
I hasten to add, that I don't in any way believe my own publicity, and any sense of over inflated ego was beaten out of me years ago as I toured the pub circuit of the south of England.
I had a few moments, celebrated but few near major successes, but alas that it now in the past. I will never achieve my aim of performing in front of 120,000 adoring fans in a Mexican football stadium. Nor will I have that much coveted 126 weeks at the top of the charts spot.
My albums are now collectible, not because they are early renditions of a stellar star sought out by music lovers, but because they are rare......most people presumably binned their copy.
However, I still perform with my trusty band, who are are either aging like me, or related to me (the guitarist is my son), and for that I am eternally grateful.
I have no axe to grind, no manifesto to promote. However, I do hope as I maybe share a thought or two from my journey and day to day life as a Rock God, it may entertain and amuse maybe just a few.
Anyway, here's hoping.
Watch this space.
You are way too modest. You ARE still a a mighty Rock God and I will steal the zimmer frame off anyone who says anything different.
Peace & love...!
Welcome to the blog-o-sphere, Rock God. Love the title - even though I can't actually see it when I go to your opening page. Is that just me? I see the picture of an elderly gentleman playing at the guitar under the banner Mudheads, but that is all. I've only been following you 5 minutes and already I feel cheated.
Any way, that aside, good luck. I will add a link from How To Be An Inspiration.pronial
I can see the title now. clever boy. sign up to Google Analytics to keep track of visitors.
Just wanted prove I could read and write, so I read it, laughed with it and wrote this!!!! and not a wax crayon in sight!!!
Tip for you - don't leave igloos in the sun for too long
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